Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2015
A proxy is the person who has the legal authorization to act on behalf of another. The authorization that is carried out is called a power of attorney, a document by which a person is authorized to represent or act in representation of other.
The fundamental idea of this legal figure consists of delegating to another person to make decisions on behalf of another. In the legal relationship in which a power of attorney is established, there are two protagonists: whoever grants the power (the principal) and who receives it (the attorney-in-fact). As is logical, this figure must be someone of the highest confidence.
The figure of the attorney-in-fact in the business environment
What rule general, a administrator of a company is who has the power to appoint an attorney so that he can act on behalf of the company. This appointment is supported by a writing public that accredits it, in which the powers of the attorney-in-fact and his ability to act are specified.
The fact that a company has a proxy is a very useful strategic decision, since it allows reach agreements without the need for the administrator to be present (for example, at the signing of a contract).
The proxy in the context of a political election
In the popular voting process in some countries there is the figure of the attorney-in-fact. Each candidacy that is presented to elections grants a proxy to someone to act as a representative of that candidacy. This power rests with the attorney-in-fact, who has the authority to supervise the correct development of the voting. In this way, the proxy of a formation politics is present at the vote count and tries to control possible incidents throughout the election day.
The attorney-in-fact as a representative of artists
In some activities related to the show, the artists often call on a person they trust to act on their behalf. These people are the representatives, who are also called proxies. For example, in Spain there is a bullfighting attorney, who takes care of processing and managing everything related to bullfighters. Thus, the word proxy is equivalent to manager or representative. The attorney artistic it is, in general, the right hand of the artist, the person of his confidence.
Photo: iStock - kumeda
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