Definition of Illicit Association
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2017
In the field of right there is a legal figure known as the crime of illicit association. As the same term indicates, the idea of illicit association implies that a group of people establishes a link or association to commit an act by margin of the law, that is, something illegal.
As a general guideline, these types of crimes are carried out by groups of criminals
Criminal associations are normally organized from a structure and that is why we speak of organized crime. This implies that a group of criminals is considered an illicit association when there are a series of circumstances.
First, if the group or association has a common goal. Second, when the different members share a series of functions or tasks to make their organization as efficient as possible. On the other hand, its organizational structure has to be governed by some kind of norms or codes and have a certain hierarchy to coordinate their illegal activities.
As is logical, its members have close ties of collaboration and maintain economic or social ties. When all these conditions are met, it is already possible to speak of a criminal organization oriented to the illicit association to commit a crime.
On synthesis, in every crime related to an illicit association there are three elements: the intention to form part of an association or group, a minimum number of components and, logically, a purpose criminal.
Different terms related to the concept of illicit association
When speaking of illicit association there is a wide range of associated terms, such as gang, mafia group, crime organized and others. Each of them has its own way of structuring.
The Italian Mafia, the Chinese Triads and the Japanese Jacuza
If we take the Italian mafia as a reference, this criminal organization has a boss or gift and a lieutenant or substitute, the sottocapo. Below them are a consigliere, a caporegime, a capodecime, a soldier and an aspiring soldier or associati.
As the name suggests, the Chinese triads are organized into groups of three.
Each of these groups has connections with others through one of its members and in this way the rest of the members do not know what the connections of each triad are. This system is especially effective in preventing investigation police
Members of the Japanese mafia or jacuza form an illicit association singular. They have a way of organizing similar to that of a familyFor there is a father (the oyabun-kobun) and a series of sons who swear allegiance to him.
Photos: Fotolia - stmool / jossdim
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