Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2009
It is known as attack To that action that can be carried out by one person against another, a animal against another, or in a scope greater, the action that one people initiate against another, as a consequence of the enmity that relates them and that has the strict purpose of inflicting on the other a certain damage that may be physical or moral.
The attack is also one of the two legs of a war, since it consists of two well-defined moments, the one that occupies us, the attack and then the other always occurs in which the enemy will adopt the position of attack, then, the one who held the role of attacker must go on to defend himself from this, the defense, which is the other leg of the war that we mentioned.
Meanwhile, the term attack also has a special and active presence in the medical contexts since it is often used to designate that sudden state of physical or mental discomfort that affects individuals.
Among the most common attacks that can affect a human being, we find, on the one hand, acute myocardial infarction, better known in a
languagecolloquial What attack on heart, which manifests itself through the obstruction of the coronary arteries and is undoubtedly one of the conditions that most risk death entails for the people who suffer from it and on the other hand we find a type of attack not so recurrent and of outcome as fatal as the previous one, but which has undoubtedly become one of the most frequent psychic illnesses of the last time, the panic attack, which makes the person suffering from it suddenly suffer, for no apparent reason, from a terror that will prevent them from acting and paralyze them. Topics in Attack