Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2015
The concept of atrocity refers to an action or act of great cruelty that someone deploys, usually against another or others. This inhuman and super cruel behavior will have the objective of harming the other, of punishing him, because of course, he will inflict tremendous physical pain and suffering generally, but can also be psychic from some said or commentary hurtful.
Cruelty can be committed by any human being of any age, including kids, although we must emphasize that there is a more recurrent inclination to develop it in those people who have evil or that they like and enjoy mistreating people. People who are good by nature and abhor mistreatment of course he will not be anywhere near committing cruelty.
Ways to express it
Brutally beating a person, child, adult or old man, torturing, denigrating and giving him abuse and verbal threats are examples of cruelty.
But cruelty not only targets other people or material goods, but animals are also often the target of the most tremendous cruelties. Even, on many occasions, this condition of animals makes some people unload much more cruelty on them. Among the most common examples of cruelty against animals we can cite keeping them chained all day, not feeding them, making them load and pull carts, among the most recurrent. and of course also more damnable.
While all people can be plausible targets of the cruelty of heartless people we must say to purpose that it is usual to be addressed to those who are weaker or who could have many difficulties to time to respond or rebel against such cruelty, children and the elderly, for example, and for a matter of age.
Enjoy doing evil
From the point of view of psychiatry, Cruelty is considered as a relevant psychic disorder that a person can suffer and that is characterized by enjoying the fact of inflicting harm or suffering on others. It is closely associated with sadism.
Goodness, the opposite
The other side is the goodness, which is that human quality that implies a natural and absolute inclination to do good, avoid any evil and think especially in the welfare of others.
Photos: iStock - dmitry_7 / KatarzynaBialasiewicz
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