Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jul. 2012
One of the most common uses of this word allows referring to the movement forward or prolongation with the same direction.
Movement of going forward to be able to get ahead of something or someone
Generally, this meaning of the word is used when you want to give an account of the advancement of positions achieved by someone or something. “The state of the traffic is really chaotic this morning, we have been able to advance very little at the moment.”
Sneak peek of something to come or be shown in the media
Also, it is usual that we use the word to account for the anticipation of something to come, show or talk about.
This sense of the term is widely used in the jargon of the communication media when a topic is presented that will later be discussed in depth.
They are commonly called advances and can be about issues inherent to public life that a journalist will comment on or report on, images that reveal some reality, among other alternatives.
Radio or television programs use a lot the resource of the advances of the topics that will be addressed in a program with the intention of hooking the public with them.
The juiciest parts of a interview to one personality, or a note on a sensitive topic, through a few minutes in the airThus, the program captures the audience, who will be waiting attentively for the full story to be passed.
When there is a lot of interest on a topic or interview, it is usually passed or addressed at the end of the program in order to ensure the permanence of the public and therefore the rating.
Passing a time that anticipates the end
On the other hand, the term advance is used to account for the course of a moment or time that marks the imminent arrival at the end. “Laura arrived at the event late in the afternoon.”
Military: violent robbery that one side carries out on the enemy
In the military fieldLikewise, it is common to use the word that concerns us to designate the robbery or violent seizure by soldiers of something, a target, a position, among others.
The improvement that can be achieved in some level or area
And in the language colloquial we usually use the word to indicate the progress or improvement experienced in any aspect, social, labor, economic, student, among others. “It's really amazing how your daughter managed to advance in the study.”
When someone, a person or a group of any kind manages to advance in something, they achieve what is popularly called advancement.
Among the most common we can find technological advances or scientific advances and that involve discoveries or inventions that enabled humans to cure, treat, and prevent ailments and diseases, investigate various issues through the creation of special instruments and tools, such as the microscope, anticipate and prevent natural disasters, communicate with others over long distances, thanks to the development of new technologies such as Internet.
Undoubtedly this latest advance became well visible in recent years with the fabulous growth of technology, the creation of various devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, applications, social networks, which not only facilitated the interaction between people who are in distant places, but also made work in general easier, being able to use these technologies to work from home, for example developing an enterprise that works through Internet.
But throughout the history of humanity there have been advances that allowed the human being to evolve in every aspect, that the society in The one that is unfolding also advances, for example, the achievements that were achieved in terms of health, from curing some deadly diseases to Through the development of effective vaccines, it allowed not only to eradicate them but also to achieve that the life expectancy every day is more big.
On the other hand, people who generate projects can speak of a situation of progress when the steps that are involved in it are carried out and at the same time specified with satisfaction in order to achieve the objective final.
It should be noted that the terms that directly oppose the concept of moving forward are: back off and fail, meanwhile, the term is used as a synonym for several words such as: march, advance, progress ..., among others.
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