Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2010
The word autonomous is the one used to designate the condition of free that a person possesses and that allows you, for example, to function properly in any activity without the need for help external.
Free and independent condition that something or someone has and that allows them to function without help from anyone
The concept can be applied to a person, an element or a process.
The term comes from the Greek, meaning the word ‘self’ oneself and ‘nomos’ rule or rule. The final meaning represents those people who are on their own and do not require the help or assistance of third parties.
The concept is closely related to that of independence.
Applications at the personal and work level
In the everyday world, the word autonomous can refer to a myriad of specific situations and circumstances ranging from the field labor, to the educational, personal, psychological or even physical field.
For example, from the psychic level, a person will become autonomous when he can break that bond of
dependence that he maintains with his parents from birth, a fact that occurs naturally when the person grows, acquiring knowledge and experiences and thus learns to function alone.A child is absolutely dependent on her parents physically and psychically, he is not capable of going out alone and making correct decisions for his life if his parents do not intervene, it even depends on the opinions they present on various issues to be able to Act.
With the natural growth, the experiences and the lessons received, the person breaks this bond and thus will begin to make decisions per se, good or bad, but will take them on her behalf.
In the labor and economic sphere, a person will be autonomous when he does not have an employer and he is the one who runs his business making all decisions.
In any of the situations that arise, autonomy is a positive value on many levels since it gives us a very high level of Liberty.
The autonomy
Autonomous is an adjective that arises from the notion of autonomy.
Autonomy is the ability of a person to make decisions or carry out actions on their own, without needing the advice or help of others. An autonomous person can also be designated as an independent, free person.
Although the ability to be autonomous in different orders of life is a privilege since it allows the individual to develop as he wants to be and not as imposed by others or by society, it can also be conflictive when it comes to dealing with group situations or joint situations with others people.
Autonomous worker
The notion of self-employed today is largely related to the workplace. This is so because the person who does not work in relation to dependence and that, therefore, moves in the world of work, according to their preferences and possibilities.
The economic activity that it carries out is habitual, personal and is not subject to an employment contract.
The responsibility that it assumes is unlimited since it must respond for the activities of its business with all its current and future assets, that is, there is no asset separation between person and company.
A professionally autonomous person does not have a boss or superiors to whom to answer, he can fulfill his schedules to piacere and carry out the activities that he likes to do. However, being autonomous, you must provide yourself with the sustenance and effort to secure a decent salary. at the end of the month, and sometimes the effort must be much greater than that made by the workers in relation to dependence.
It is not even a guarantee that every month you can receive the same money for your work as it happens with the employee in a dependency relationship since income of the self-employed are variable, depending on how the business has gone that month.
In the case of the worker in a dependency relationship, it will not matter if the company did worse or better in a month, he will receive according to the monthly salary agreed in his contract.
Also, being a self-employed worker, he must allocate part of his income to pay taxes for tomorrow to be able to access a retirement.
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