Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2015
Handwritten by its own author
The concept of autograph is used in our language in two senses. On the one hand, it is called that way to that handwriting of an own Author, such is the case of a farewell letter or a will that has been written by whoever signs it. This type of writings have a special validity since the fact that they have been written by the person who created them and who signs them is recognized.
Signature of a famous or notable person
And on the other hand, the word autograph is used to designate that signature of a famous or notable person. Without a doubt this is the most widespread use of the term.
Common practice and widespread throughout the world by famous personalities
The autograph is a common practice and widespread throughout the world by famous personalities. The autographs of the celebrities that make up the world of acting, sport, Or the music, are highly required by their fans, who are able to chase their favorite artist or athlete to get their fist and lyrics the signature plus one dedication affectionate.
Now, not only actors, musicians and renowned athletes sign autographs everywhere, also politicians, and others personalities that have become media for some question are required in this sense, although of course, the preeminence in this case is followed bearing the edges.
The hope and despair of the fans for the autographs of their idols
Fans often congregate at the exit of a theater or of a stadium, where they know that they will be able to run into their idol, to ask them for an autograph. Celebrities know that this practice is certainly expected by their followers and so most take the time to do it. Even some writers and musicians, when they present records or new books, organize a presentation special in a space to promote them and also sign the copies or discs to their fans.
A prized trophy
For many fans, the autograph is like a precious trophy that they get from their favorite artist and for this reason they are often able to make long watches to get them. There are even many fans who frame that piece of paper with the artist's signature and dedication in a painting, and some more daring even get it tattooed on their skin.
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