Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2010
The caffeine is a white alkaloid that belongs to the group of xanthines, its appearance physics is crystalline, white solid and has a bitter taste to taste, while its main actions include acting as a stimulating Central Nervous System and from heart.
Substance of widespread use, present in various beverages such as coffee, tea, cola drinks and medicines, and which acts as a stimulant of the heart and central nervous system
Is substance It is widely used throughout the world since it is a component of several products of very common use and that are consumed daily, especially liquids, such is the case of coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolates and some medicines.
Origin and where we find it
The same was discovered in the 19th century by the German chemist Friedrich Ferdinand Runge. In addition, caffeine is part of other chemical mixtures such as guaranine, mateine and theine, which also contain additional alkaloids such as cardiac stimulants.
In amounts that can be variable, normally, we will find caffeine in the seeds, leaves and fruits of some plants, in which it will act as a natural pesticide, paralyzing and killing certain insects that feed on the plants.
Humans tend to consume caffeine in large amounts through infusions such as coffee, tea and some cola drinks, its main effect on us being that of stimulating nervous system central, restoring alertness and eliminating drowsiness.
As a consequence of being in drinks such as coffee, tea, mate and colas is that caffeine It turns out to be very popular throughout the world, practically all human beings consume it in one way or another way.
On the other hand, caffeine is also recognized diuretic properties being consumed by human beings who do not have a tolerance for it.
Benefits and disadvantages of its consumption
His consumption excessively it will obviously lead to intoxication and among the most recurrent symptoms that show caffeine intoxication are the following: insomnia, nervousness, excitement, flushed face, and gastrointestinal problems.
We could assert without fear of exaggeration that it is the most widely consumed stimulant substance in the world and, for that matter, it is important. that we know that it can cause damage, some already mentioned, and on the other hand it also reports some Benefits.
People usually consume it for the purpose of stimulation that it proposes and then the consumption of coffee is typical between those who are in exam stages and study at night, and also by those who do night jobs.
Thus, through the caffeine contained in coffee, the central nervous system will be stimulated and will help these people to stay awake and focused on their task.
Not all individuals respond in the same way to the action of caffeine and for example it is important that we point this out, because there will be those who drink a single coffee and will already feel awake while there may be others who need several coffees to be.
One of its main disadvantages is that it is very addictive and therefore those who have the habit consuming it through any of the liquids or food that contain it will find it difficult to put it down. This is undoubtedly its main disadvantage, because those who try to leave it abruptly will feel more irritable and nervous.
But there are benefits, and in addition to how pleasant it is to have a coffee in a confectionery accompanied by a sweet, caffeine is credited with being an enhancer of memory and the ideal assistant to be well alert, if we have to work, study, drive, among other options.
It is also a hair growth stimulant and there has been research showing that it is a colon and liver detoxifier.
On the other hand, after intense exercise it helps to relieve muscle pain.
To avoid effects that affect our health, it is recommended not to exceed caffeine consumption beyond 600 mg. per day. If someone exceeds this limit, they may feel that some of the aforementioned adverse effects: insomnia, nausea, increased heart rate, cramps, among the physical ones, while among the psychics, irritability, nervousness and anxiety.
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