Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Nov. 2010
The installation used for the manufacturing Y manufacture of different types of papers. This manufacture starts from the transformation of the matter obtained from the trees into cellulose that is later converted into the sheets of paper that are commonly used in writing. Paper mills are large factories since the processing and manufacturing of paper requires different work points, they are usually located on the outskirts of cities like most of the factories. Paper mills are controversial facilities as many of them use chemicals that are dumped on the ground, into the water or into the air generating different levels of contamination.
The wastebaskets use as raw material Mainly the pulp obtained from the trees that is converted into cellulose and then into the leaves commonly used as paper. The bins have been since the creation of the printing press and especially after the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century, one of the most important industries due to the large amount of paper that today's societies consume. The paper is made almost entirely of organic materials such as the pulp itself, in addition to other textile and vegetable elements that can be used to give it color or
texture. But in addition, the paper mills work with chemicals that are used to whiten and soften the final paper.Some bins directly receive the felled tree trunks, while others only receive the raw material obtained from them and then convert it into paper. The process of paper generation is carried out today through large machines but historically it was also carried out through the use of force animal or hydric force. Today's large machines can produce paper plates 150 meters long and 10 meters wide, operating at a velocity 100 kilometers per hour. These plates are produced and stored in large rolls.
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