Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2014
The term panorama we use it in our language with various references.
One of the most widespread is the one that allows us to refer to that view that can be appreciated from a certain place, for example from a window on the highest floor of a building and that of course offers us a certainly wide view through the distance in which one is standing.
Or also from a viewpoint, a MountainAlso places that propose their own height per se, it is possible to contemplate the panorama of a city, a town and in some cases it even allows us to fully appreciate them.
Always when talking about a panorama in this sense, it will be a scenery of very important extension.
It should be noted that from the tourist point of view the theme of the panoramic view is extremely relevant and in many cases it is a question that can decide the hiring of one hotel to the detriment of another, if that is the case, one, offers a much closer and visually beautiful panorama than the other. We all like it if we go to a Caribbean beach that the panorama from our room of just the waters of the blue sea.
This sense of the term is used a lot also as a synonym for the concept of landscape. While landscape is a more popular term, panorama is also widely used to express the same.
And the other quite frequent use that we attribute to this word is to express the good general appearance that presents something, a topic or subject. For example, when you talk about the panorama of something, a specific issue such as the commercial situation of a company, you are referring to the whole of that situation, that is, You will be contemplating your general economic state and not a part or portion, or even a question associated with it, in other words, the total numbers will be estimated rather than those that report a Department of the same, to cite a concrete example.
That is, then, having already addressed the various uses of the concept of panorama, in any of the senses that it is used allows us to always indicate something general, broad, and that is distinguished precisely by the very broad horizon that it encompasses or covers.
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