Definition of Cock Fight
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2018
One of the ways to entertainment more controversial is the confrontation between animals. In the Roman circus in ancient times wild beasts fought to the delight of spectators and twenty centuries later this type of fighting is continued in several versions, such as dogfights or dogfights. roosters. For some it is a tradition, while many others consider that it is a cruelty that should be eradicated.
An ancient custom
Fighting or cockfighting began to be practiced in the territories of China and India more than 2,500 years ago. The Romans and other Mediterranean peoples were also enthusiastic about these fights. With the passage of time the tradition was consolidated in Europe and later the Spanish conquerors introduced it in the continent American.
This mix of sport, show and tradition cultural it is illegal in many countries. Despite this, the organization of clandestine fights is frequent, as it happens in Cuba (at the beginning of the revolution led by Fidel Castro, this entertainment was prohibited along with other games of chance).
The use of artificial spurs in some fights turns the rooster into an animal that can be lethal
Pecking and attacks with the rooster's natural dewclaws are its two weapons of attack. In some fights the natural dewclaws are replaced by artificial ones of steel, bone or hawksbill so that the animal causes greater damage to its rival.
In any case, this type of fight is legal in the set of Latin America, in the Philippines, in some regions of Spain and France. Although the fighting between roosters is violent and intense, most fighting does not end with the death of the animal.
Before the fights, the birds are kept in individual and closed places, since it is a very aggressive animal. As if it were a human combat, before the fight the roosters are weighed so that the fight is fair.
Once the fight begins, the assistants cheer on their favorite rooster in the hope of getting some economic benefit for the money bet.
When two people confront each other with intensity, there is talk of a cockfight
The world of animals is very present in the language of everyday life. We say of someone who has an eagle's eyes, that he is dumber than a donkey, that he is a freak or that he is a fox. If two individuals confront each other in an energetic way, either physically or dialectically, we express that there is a cockfight.
Photos: Fotolia - Nipol / Salajean / Elena Abrazhevich
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