Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2014
At present, most of the highways or roads, charge, to those who travel through them, an amount of money that is popularly called as Toll. In other words, if I want to circulate on that highway, yes or yes, I will have to pay that stipulated amount.
The toll rates vary depending on the type of transport that circulates, so motorcycles are the ones that pay the least, then ordinary cars will have another rate which is higher than the previous ones and finally the trucks or buses have to pay a greater sum than the mentioned.
Also, the rate will vary depending on the exit at which one leaves the highway, the higher distance the more expensive the toll will be.
The money that is charged, either in some km. the route of the motorway or in some of the exits of the same, it has several destinations, in beginning and fundamentally it is used to improve the appearance and traffic on the highway, that is, with the money raised the primary mission is to create a safe highway that guarantees
speed on the way for those who use it.In this sense, silver is used among other things to improve asphalting, signaling, lighting, cleaning, to assist motorists in any accident or complication within it, among others.
Then another part of the proceeds will be used to pay the salaries of those who work at toll stations. and in the concession company in general and obviously the remainder is the benefit that any company wants perceive.
The payment of the toll is made at stations with boxes arranged on the highways for this purpose. When the toll station is nearby, the signs indicate it and the driver is asked to reduce the velocity at a minimum, this is to avoid accidents.
Upon arrival at the payment box, the rate corresponding to the vehicle will be paid, a ticket and once paid, the barrier will be raised and it will be given a green light to circulate.
For those roads that usually have a large traffic flow, a prepaid mode has been arranged to avoid delay. The toll company delivers a apparatus that is loaded with credit to the motorist who places it on the windshield of his car and each time he passes through the toll and the reader captures it, the corresponding amount will be deducted. This avoids wasted time and is intended to speed up transit.
Toll Topics