Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Sep. 2010
The term permanence is one that is used to designate the maintenance of certain elements over time. Permanence can be a quality that is applied to a person, a phenomenon, an object and although nothing in the world empirical is eternal, many things have a duration very important within the normal parameters of each one of them. The permanence depends, then, mainly on the element, phenomenon or circumstance to which we refer and the parameters considered normal for it.
We can say that permanence is a subjective quality that does not have a determined or specific time, but can vary from case to case according to the object or subject to which it applies. We must understand permanence as a quality that makes a thing, person or phenomenon last in space and time without changing its characteristics. features or doing it at a minimal level. Thus, a person who always behaves the same can be considered to have a attitude of permanence in a certain attitude, as it can also be said that a phenomenon such as the
democracy it has permanence because it is maintained over time.We say that permanence is a subjective quality because although it is characterized by representing duration in time, each situation involves different amounts of time. For example, what might represent a permanency situation for graffiti done in the Street (perhaps a month), does not represent permanence for a love relationship (perhaps years), just as this does not represent permanence for a geographical phenomenon that takes thousands of years. Therefore, the condition of permanence must be applied in relation to the characteristics and normal parameters of each element or specific circumstance since it may vary significantly.
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