Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2015
The English word check-in refers to the procedures related to the arrival of passengers at airports or ports before boarding, as well as the procedures that are carried out at the reception of a hotel when a new one arrives client.
In any of its modalities, check-in is a key operation in the reception of passengers or clients. It must be taken into account that in the case of an airport there may be thousands of people who are going to travel and it is necessary to organize an efficient, fast and coordinated check-in system.
In recent years, check-in systems have evolved considerably for two reasons:
1) computerization of processes and
2) on-line customer management.
Check-in at a hotel
If a client is at the reception of a hotel to occupy a room already reserved in advance, it is It is necessary to carry out a series of steps in the check-in process: verification of the reservation, identification and record and, a very important aspect, that the receptionist check that the assigned room is available. Keep in mind that check-in is directly related to the reverse operation, check-out. In other words, for a client to have her room, it is necessary to verify that the previous client has left that room.
Check-in at a hotel has two aspects: 1) it is important from an organizational point of view for the management of the rooms of the hotel. establishment and to keep a strict control of the entrances and exits of clients and 2) the client who arrives at the hotel after a trip needs to be attended with speed Y effectiveness and if the check-in were ineffective, it would be offering a bad service and a terrible welcome message.
Online processes not only affect check-in at airports and ports, as it is also used in hotels. The client can register their personal data at the moment of making the reservation, which facilitates the work of the receptionist and avoids the client himself a series of procedures that are no longer necessary. This optimization of the processes has obvious positive aspects (less management and reduction in waiting times). However, there are customers who miss check-in traditional at the hotel: a receptionist who greets you and welcomes you, that is, a direct and personalized treatment.
Check-in, an example of the expansion of English
At airports and hotels in most countries, English is used as language from communication. If we want to make a reservation for a room, we should know that the term used is booking. If a hotel sells more places than available, we are in an overbooking situation. If we are going to take a airplane We do the check-in and when we arrive at the destination we carry out the check-out procedures.
Photo: iStock - Anna Bryukhanova
Check-in topics