Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2017
The word we are analyzing comes from Portuguese, specifically from chuva, which means rain. This word is considered to have its origin in navigation, so it is not strange that it comes from the language Portuguese, since the Portuguese navigators were pioneers in the discovery of new territories.
Terminology related to rain
Although we are talking about rain of a certain intensity, in meteorological terminology it has a very precise meaning. In this sense, it is necessary to differentiate between the simple rain, the drizzle or the downpour. In the first place, if the rain that falls does not reach the ground because during its journey it evaporates, it is a virga. When rainfall falls intermittently and as if they were buckets of WaterWe are facing a shower, which is also popularly known by the words downpour, tornado or downpour.
It is said that there is rain when water falls continuously and the diameter of the drops is greater than 0.5 millimeters. To know if drizzle occurs, the diameter of the drops must be less than 0.5 millimeters (the word drizzle has a large number of synonyms in the
language popular, such as chirimiri, orballo, calabobos, garĂșa, mollizna and others).The garment that protects us from showers
The showers, weak or intense, are usually accompanied by wind. In this way, the clouds that announce them also remind us of the need to wear appropriate clothing. As is logical, the most suitable garment is a raincoat, a very common protection among fishermen and sailors and in those territories where the rain is especially intense.
The water cycle
Regardless of the word we use to refer to rain, any precipitation is part of water cycle. In this sense, it must be remembered that water is never still, as it is in some part of a process. Thus, when the Sun heats the water in the land surface it evaporates and turns into water vapor that rises into the atmosphere and this part of the cycle is known as evaporation.
Subsequently, the water cools and this produces clouds, a phase that is known as condensation. Once the water has condensed and the clouds have formed, the drops in them collide with each other and end up falling as rain or snow and this process is called precipitation. If we refer to showers, the clouds that cause them are known as cumulonimbus.
Photos: Fotolia - Gordeev / Mirko Macari
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