Definition of Citizen Power
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2012
The concept of power citizen is a concept taken from the politics, relatively current, which refers to the conception that all citizens who are part of a nation they must see their rights fulfilled. The concept is usually used in relation to political rights that should allow citizens not only to choose their own representatives, but also control them and carry out the different processes to prosecute and dismiss them in the event that it is necessary. The conception of citizen power is opposed to the very traditional idea that politicians come to office representing a sector of the population to later make their wishes in power, even if they betray the promises they made during the campaign. Since this is what happens in most countries, the notion of citizen power is what establishes that it is the people who can exercise power. right to control and change their rulers if they deem it necessary.
The democracy indirect is a system of government very young to
comparison others since it is no more than two hundred years old in Western societies and even less in some Eastern societies. Indirect democracy is based on the idea that citizens elect their representatives, who should govern by their choice, carrying out the promised projects, models and programs. This makes the relationship indirect since the people do not govern except through their representatives.The idea of citizen power arises at the same time that democracy arises and is understood as the prerogative that citizens have to elect someone but also to remove them from power. Thus, it is the people who hand over their power to one or more representatives and for which they should also be authorized to remove it if that person does not comply with the promise or uses the public function for benefit own self. There are various measures and actions that are included within the notion of citizen power and what is sought to resignify is not it is only the moment of the vote or suffrage if you do not understand that citizen power rests on the people in a permanent.
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