Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2012
The word precision is one that is used to talk about the exactitude or the puntuality that a person, a system, a institution they can have in their functioning or in his behavior. Precision is a fundamental element of many phenomena that have to do with our daily life and without it they can easily lose all meaning or become something else. A clear example of this is that of a watch that always needs to work with precision in order to be able to properly indicate the time without mistakes. If a watch stops working accurately, it immediately becomes useless and its use becomes meaningless. In other areas of life, precision and accuracy can also be the result of a personal decision of each person, for example when someone decides to act precisely in the assembly of an object, to act precisely in his work, etc.
It can easily be said that precision is a very current or modern phenomenon that is largely related to the capitalist way of life that we lead. which is largely based on the exact measurement of time in order to obtain the best benefit and control over the different activities we carry out. Thus, in other times such as the Ancient Age or the
Middle Ages an element like the precision of time did not exist and many times life was more relaxed and simple than at this time. On the other hand, since then, the idea of precision existed in science, in building, on the architecture, etc.Precision is a central element of all scientific areas, especially those that have to do with experiments on reality, for example physics, chemistry, biology, etc. This is so since the lack or absence of precision in the procedures to carry out they can easily alter results and generate confusion about theories that would otherwise work correctly. Precision is carried out through the appropriate use of increasingly perfect technological material, as well as with the use of the knowledge of professionals who resort again and again to the use of precision as a element professional basic.
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