Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2011
At the behest of the Grammar, the preposition it is that invariable part, which does not change, of a prayer whose mission is the establishment of a relationship between the words that make up a speech, one of those words being the preposition core, while the other word, which will be subordinate to the previous one, will be the term of preposition, that is to say, it develops the function of nexus, link or link in the sentence in question.
Invariable part of a sentence whose objective is to link words
The invariability of prepositions allows certain elements to be integrated into sentences and that they depend on other words already mentioned.
The normal thing is to find them at the beginning of the Constitution syntactic that affect.
They assume the function of indicating place, cause, origin ...
In this function of indicating elements assumed by prepositions, they can indicate a place, a cause, an origin, a means or a destination, among others.
With an example we will see it more clearly: "this summer I'm going on vacation to Miami", in this case with "to Miami" We are indicating that the destination of our trip will be precisely that popular city in the state of Florida in the United States. United. "We leave earlier for the
disease that Mary contracted ”, in this example the preposition exercises the function of indicating the motive or cause of an event.Generally, that first word we were talking about is a noun, an adjective or a verb and to a lesser degree it can be a adverb, a pronoun or an interjection; instead, the second word will always be a noun... "the wool sweater; good for accounts; will run until tomorrow.”
The functionality of the preposition is to make the term a complement of the kernel and that is why they are considered as binding words. They are similar in this to conjunctions because they do not have a significant value on their own but they always have it when they are associated with other words, and most importantly, they attribute a meaning to the sentence in which they act as such.
The preposition causes the term to become the complement of the nucleus, a situation that generates that the prepositions are considered as related words or links. Likewise, as happens with conjunctions, prepositions by themselves will not have a significant value, although without them it is difficult for the sentence in question in which they act to have a present sense.
Prepositions in the Spanish language, as recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy of Language are as follows: to, before, under, fits, with, against, of, from, during, in, between, except, towards, to, through, for, by, according to, so, without, on, after, via.
Meanwhile, semantically, the aforementioned prepositions are classified into the following categories: spatial of location (in, on) and spatial of displacement (from, to), time (during, after, before), comparison, material (of, for), possession (of), instrument (for), agent (for), purpose (for, for), cause (for) and reference (of).
It should be noted that in writing when the term of the preposition is preceded by the article the and the prepositions are to or failing that from, then, there will be a contraction of the pronoun and the article, conforming the following terms to or from, as appropriate.
Another feature that they have is that prepositions are atonas, that is, they do not have a prosodic accent, this is a spelling rule that we have to keep in mind when writing and expressing them.
Prepositions are a topic of grammar that is studied especially in the subject of language during the basic education.
Purposeful phrases: expressions of popular use
For their part, propositional phrases are expressions of very popular use in our language and that are constituted by several words, with a fixed form and that are used as unique expressions and indicate the behavior of a preposition.
For example, before, in front of, in the company of, heading to, above, according to, among others.