Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2009
Resilience or resilience, as it is also designated, is that capacity that a person or a group of people has and that will allow them to recover from a situation stressful or traumatic, for example, the death of a loved one, an accident, a abuse, a tragedy natural, among others. That is, when an individual has to go through any of the aforementioned circumstances and he manages to do it without any type of setback, even more, he leaves strengthened, more mature and strong than he was previously, then it will be said that that person has resilience, something like a synonym of the term integrity.
Meanwhile, it may be that the individual in question as a consequence of that extreme situation that he has to face only there takes conscience that he has that capacity, or that it is developed only as a response to the circumstance.
Although in some moments of history to resilience, the own psychology, which is the science in charge of its detection and analysis, considered it as a rather unusual response, bordering on pathology, At present, psychologists mostly agree to consider it as a normal form of adjustment against the adversity.
The current known as Positive Psychology is the one that most attributes to resilience, since it maintains that problems would be something like challenges to which the individual thanks to the resilience that is inside him will achieve overcome them. In addition, it considers that there are issues such as family, the social context and education, which are decisive when it comes to favoring or not the development of this ability.
It is believed that the origin of resilience is closely linked to the self-esteem, therefore, specialists in the field believe that if from small to young kids they are urged to develop it, it is almost certain that it is readily available when some fact warrants it. Because undoubtedly a child who has a high self-esteem developed thanks to the love and attention of his parents, when in the future you have some inconvenience or obstacle, resilience will be there to help you and make you medium.
But also, resilience is a term that has a special presence in another context ...In Engineering, resilience is that magnitude that quantifies the amount of Energy that sucks certain material when broken by a strong blow. Its calculation will be made based on the unit of surface of failure.
Issues in Resilience