Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2012
One of its most widespread uses allows us to refer to everything that related to the profession.
Own or associated with the profession, which is the activity that a person develops after having been trained and that allows them to earn a living
Meanwhile, the profession is that activity, trade or work that an individual carries out on a daily basis in exchange for the perception of a salary.
It should be noted that the individual who exercises this or that profession has detailed knowledge of the work that he performs thanks to the fact that he has received specialized training in this regard.
So, the professional is the one who displays a profession.
When a person decides to practice a profession, that is, to become a professional in this or that discipline, it will be necessary to take specific studies on the subject in question, which always correspond to university levels, or failing that, tertiary.
Just and once the person successfully completes them, the
institution academic in which he studied, he will issue a certificate of compliance with the studies or diploma, which is the official document that will accredit his expertise to perform in the profession.Basic training will not accredit the person to perform as a professional.
We also use the word professional to indicate that person who deploys this or that profession as a means of survival, that is, from that exercise and the perception of remuneration he and his family.
Sport: athlete who practices a sport in a formal way and not as a hobby
On the other hand, in the sport it is recurrent that we find this term since it is applied to account for that athlete who practices a sport as a profession and not as a hobby, that is, he receives a salary for practicing it.
Normally, people start some sporting activity for pleasure, then, and if it presents noticeable conditions for the same, he will become a professional, because he is hired by various entities to perform as such.
On the contrary, a person who practices a sport simply for the joy and pleasure that it provokes should not be considered as a professional because he does not receive any financial retribution.
Person who practices a profession with commitment, efficiency and skill
And we also tend to use the word professional a lot to give an account of that person who practices a profession with efficiency, commitment and great ability. “Mario is so professional that he never fails to attend a meeting.”
It is easy to detect when a professional performs his work with professionalism because he does it with a tremendous dedication to his task, that he can be seen to be always ready to act when the job so requires. demand.
The study also reveals to us that someone is a professional because they do not stay still or agree with what they have learned, but rather continue studying improvements or advances in their profession to later be able to apply them in their work and in this way offer a better service or attention.
In doctors and health professionals this situation is common and also a demand if they want to always be up to date and offer the best of their services to their patients.
Medicine and science do not rest in their action, every day they generate contributions that allow progress in some treatment, cure, or practice diagnoses, and so it is necessary to stay attentive and learn the news in order to learn and apply them in the exercise of profession.
Although it is not written in any manual how to be a good professional, there are some basic characteristics that allow us to determine someone as a good worker in their profession, namely ...
Basic characteristics that are appreciated in the good professional ...
Commitment to the job and the assigned role, attitude proactive and positive, empathy with the needs of others, especially if you work in spaces where you are in constant contact with people, good physical appearance, having conduct and demonstrate confidence, have ethics, responsibility, permanent search for new knowledge that contributes to professional development and growth.
Professional ethics deserves a separate paragraph and consists of those moral and ethical duties and the obligations that must be assumed by those who practice a profession, especially in those professions in which you work with human beings, such is the case of medicine, journalism, among other
When working with subjects to whom things affect them and feel it is essential to behave with prudence so as not to affect their rights and emotional stability.
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