Definition of Internal Control
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2014
At the request of a company or a public entity, internal control will be called the set of actions, policies, procedures, standards and methods, among others, that exist in the same as a result of the proposal of bosses and employees, and that have the objective of preventing any eventuality, risk, complication that just affect the correct development and work of the same.
Basically, this internal control is exercised through the domain of various variables such as the exhaustive control of the environmentlabor that includes not only ordinary employees but also the managerial level, the forecasting of risks and the circulation of both information and communication internal.
Always, the control action that is exerted on something will allow us to inspect and control its functioning, on the one hand, to verify that the functions are fulfilled as corresponds and on the other hand to guarantee the effectiveness, because unfailingly when the eye is on something in a concrete way it will prevent for example, actions or activities are not carried out that complicate the correct development of the job.
Having an effective and efficient internal control will help the company or the public entity in countless issues that make the service or activity that it develops to be of excellence. It will be able, among other things, to detect cases of corruption, to ensure that the proposed objectives are successfully achieved, promoting efficiency and competitiveness in all areas in every way, protect the resources and comply with the regulations that have been proposed in a timely manner as fundamental pillars of the behaviors to be followed, among others.
Then, as a corollary, we must emphasize that any entity or company having a correct internal control will be much more effective in the development of their work and more successful indeed because in this control process complications that complicate the work will be detected daily.
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