Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Dra. Maria de Andrade, CMDF 21528, MSDS 55658., on Apr. 2017
The creatine is a substance produced in the body, in order to allow tissues such as muscle and the brain to obtain the Energy necessary for your normal functioning in special conditions such as high intensity exercise.
Creatine is produced in the liver and pancreas from amino acids that we obtain from food.
Once produced, it is sent to tissues such as the brain and muscle, where they bind to phosphate molecules, thus originating compounds from which these tissues obtain energy. Once used, creatine is transformed into creatinine in order to be eliminated by the kidney, constituting one of the most important waste products that make up urine.
Creatine is a key substance for muscle performance
A fact critical When it comes to maintaining or increasing muscle performance, it is the energy supply to the muscle during the physical activity, when it is consumed (which causes a decrease in the levels of ATP, adenosine triphosphate, which is the
molecule where energy is accumulated in the body) events such as fatigue and decreased performance occur.Creatine is mainly involved as an energy source for physical activity of the type anaerobic, which corresponds to high-power physical activity and the initial phases of exercise.
During muscle contraction, ATP molecules are consumed, so the muscle initiates a series of processes to replace this molecule, which it does from glucose and phosphocreatine. Phosphocreatine is the first route used since it is faster, in it the presence of oxygen is not necessary, which is why it is known as the anaerobic. If physical activity continues, the body needs to use other Energy sources since phosphocreatine is consumed, so the processes that allow the use of glucose are carried out in which oxygen is also necessary, reason for which it is known as the aerobic route.
As the muscle has greater amounts of creatine, it will be able to carry out its maximum activity power for a longer time before fatigue occurs, allowing the athlete to have a greater performance. This is key in power exercises that last a few minutes. This is the reason why it is recommended that creatine supplements be used prior to physical activity.
After 5 minutes of exercise, the muscle activates its mechanisms to consume the glucose accumulated inside, after 10 minutes This source is depleted so the muscle increases its ability to capture glucose from the blood by 20 times to use it as an energy source. Once 180 minutes of physical activity have been reached, the source of energy becomes the free fatty acids obtained from the amino acids that make up the muscles.
Photos: Fotolia - rh2010 / jayzynism
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