Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2014
The word crustacean is used to designate that vast sub-organization of arthropods among which lobster, crabs, shrimp and prawns, among others, however, it is also important to clarify that there are almost seventy thousand species of crustaceans that are known and I know esteem that there is still much more to know. Its fundamental feature is that they are aquatic and for example they are found inhabiting all aquatic depths, either in the seas, oceans, among other spaces of Water.
It is also worth noting that some have conquered the land, such is the case of the moisture scale.
At this stage of events it can be assured that the crustaceans are a group Zoo biologically remarkable as a consequence of the enormous number of living species it boasts and the diverse habitats in which they are capable of living.
Meanwhile, due to their condition as autotrophs, they are invertebrate animals and are endowed with an articulated exoskeleton that is mainly composed of a protein known as chitin.
Regarding your anatomy They are distinguished by the possession of two pairs of antennas, a variable number of appendages, and by a calcified shell that covers the aforementioned. Present breathing branchial and its size also varies.
The body is segmented and we can then speak of three body regions: the cephalon or head, the pereion or thorax and the pleon or abdomen.
The crustacean is a species highly valued and valued throughout the world especially for the economic resource they imply and also because they are widely consumed as food.
Shrimp and prawns are undoubtedly the most esteemed types of crustaceans in the world. gastronomy to prepare highly sought after dishes in restaurants that specialize in seafood, such as This is the case of the shrimp cocktail and the prawn glass, to name some of the most consumed and popular.
In addition to being appetizing, the aforementioned crustaceans are ingested due to the enormous amount of vitamins and minerals they have.
Carcinology is the part of the zoology which deals with the study of this species.
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