Definition of Theory of the Four Humors
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Feb. 2019
In Ancient Greece, human diseases were explained with fantastic criteria very close to the stories of mythology (for example, a disease could be interpreted as divine punishment). With the emergence of the philosophical mentality, rational criteria began to spread and a prescientific mentality emerged in all areas of knowledge.
The new focus took its first steps in the field of medicine with the studies of Hippocrates of Cos between the 5th and 4th centuries BC. C. Among his most relevant contributions, his theory of the four humors stands out.
The balance between the four humors is what determines the health of the individual
According to Hippocrates, health in general and temperament of people is determined by the combination of bodily fluids (the term humor in Greek equates to fluid or liquid). In Hippocratic medicine there are four fluids: blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm.
From this division, different personalities are formed. If the predominant substance is blood, the individual will have a sanguine temperament, which means that it is a enthusiastic, energetic, determined and active person (in parallel these people have selfish behaviors and tend to exaggeration).
If yellow bile is predominant, the person's temperament is angry and passionate. The abundance of black bile generates a personality with a tendency to melancholy and calm analysis.
Finally, when phlegm is the predominant fluid, the individual is especially calm, peaceful, emotional, and somewhat lazy.
For Hippocrates, if the four humors are kept in Balance the health of the person will be stable and otherwise the imbalance or dyscrasia will trigger diseases and changes in temperament.
In the Corpus hippocraticum we can find the general lines of Greek medicine and the historical precedent of current medicine
The approach Hippocratic was quite a revolution, since for the first time human pathologies were explained from the physiology. The theory of the four humors supposed a holistic vision on the human nature and the health. On the other hand, this work highlights analyzes on different topics: epidemics, diet, fractures, women's diseases, the distinction between acute disease and chronicle or the importance of physical exercise.
Note that in the corpus hippocraticum appears the first written reference to the ethical commitments that must be met doctors (2500 years after this treaty, medical professionals graduate by taking the oath Hippocratic). Despite the fact that this work was based on obvious empirical criteria, those who practiced medicine in Greece worshiped the goddesses associated with health (HÃgia and Panacea).
Photo Fotolia: Laufer
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