Definition of Quality Management
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2011
By management we call in our language that set of actions that someone or an organization carries out with the mission of manage a company, a business or solve an issue.
Meanwhile, quality is a positive property that implies that whoever owns it presents a superiority with respect to its peers, that is, it is something excellent.
Meanwhile, these two concepts are combined in what is inherent to the business management or organizational to name a fundamental aspect of the activity, especially to add quality to it.
Actions and rules that are imposed on a company or organization with the mission of satisfying its customers
The quality management, also known as quality management system , are that set of norms corresponding to an organization, linked to each other and based on which it is that the company or organization in question will be able to manage its quality in an organized way. The mission will always be focused on continuous quality improvement.
Among the aforementioned standards, the following stand out: existence of an organizational structure, in which both the directive and management levels are hierarchical; structuring the responsibilities of the individuals and the departments into which the company is divided; the
procedures that will result from the plan of guidelines destined to control the actions of the organization; the processes that pursue the specific objective; and the resources, technical, human, among others.The ultimate goal of the process is the satisfaction of its customers and that they forge a strong, ingrained bond with the product or service in question and this will only be feasible when they satisfy and fulfill the expectations of their consumers.
If I am satisfied with this or that product, I will continue to buy it over time and I will also recommend it. But of course, this is possible if behind, in engineering, there is a procedure that aims to give the client the best.
Study and determine consumer demands
This fact is possible when a correct analysis and study of the demands that consumers have is carried out. Once this is clear and determined, it is possible to outline a service or product that can satisfy the wishes of customers.
This is plain and simple what good quality management does.
Every day, the conducting of studies that allow us to know what the client wants and how he wants it grows more prosperous in the business field in order to satisfy him from the start safety.
Thus, companies hire professionals specialized in this task that not only guarantee commercial success but also allow you to reduce costs in terms of producing issues that the customer will not buy or will not buy. interest.
The study of the needs then allows to be more precise in the development, avoid errors and win in a productivity positive.
But in addition to studying what the client wants, it is also important to follow it in the post-acquisition process of the service, accompany you, for example, through an effective system that assists you in any concern or problem that may introduce yourself.
Main quality standards
A good quality management system will always guarantee the company the Satisfying the requirements of its customers, both with regard to the provision of the service or what the product itself offers.
In the market there are a wide variety of quality management standards, which have been defined by a standardizing body, such is the case of ISO, EN or DIN.
These will allow a company x that can validate its quality system through the execution of an audit against some of these standards. One of the most popular standards is the Iso 9001.
It is common to see in the advertisements or even in the facilities of the companies that have received this audit the legend that accounts for the ISO 9001 standardization.
Although there are also specific rules adapted to certain sectors, such is the case of the laboratories that have a rule own ISO-IEC 17025: 2005.
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