Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2010
Feeling of gratitude for having received a favor or benefit
It is known as gratitude to that feeling of gratitude before the recognition of a favor or the receipt of a benefit, which a person will experience when it is made effective and presented before him.
Meanwhile, it turns out to be an immediate consequence of this feeling, that this person, upon receipt of that favor or benefit, feel the urgent need to reciprocate the aforementioned in one way or another. That is, such is the gratitude that the action will return with some other favor or benefit.
Report well-being
We generally feel gratitude when the behavior of the other is valued in a positive way towards us, which obviously brings a good action or benefit. Basically, gratitude is understood as a manifestation natural goodness and good education of people, that is, that gratitude will be common in those people who are characterized by their goodness and who have been educated according to the moral values
and to the idea of doing good, and avoiding evil of course.The other side of gratitude is ingratitude, which will obviously be considered unpleasant and reprehensible behavior and which consists of the absence of gratitude and a attitude mean in life.
Being a feeling, a certainly positive behavior is that it will bring to the person who expresses it and practices it, and also to the one who receives it, a lot of well-being
This feeling that, as we said, can be felt by anyone when presented with a situation such as described is closely related to the concept of gratitude, which refers to the action and result of to thank.
The action of thanking, then, implies feeling yes or yes gratitude and it will be impossible that once you feel in your flesh also do not feel the need to respond as soon as possible to that help that is it gave. Gratitude can be expressed in different ways, depending on the possibilities, the size of the favor received and of course, also on the people.
Although of course it should not matter that it was a small or large favor, that is, that it required more or less effort, many times and For many individuals, the gratitude and appreciation with which they will respond will be determined by this question of large or small of the favor.
Main manifestations of gratitude
It can go from a very simple verbal manifestation, telling whoever helped us in a certain situation, thank you for helping me get out of this problem, passing through a written note in which the thanks and gratitude felt for the help provided is written, or Well through a material gift, which can range from the simplest to the most expensive, according to the person and the value that is given to him. attribute.
For what has been said above, the habitual practice of gratitude is recommended. As it is a purely social action, it will notably improve our sociability in all the levels. Its action is also recommended for the well-being that we mention produces, so practicing it will undoubtedly make us feel much better about ourselves. Being good with oneself is the key, because only by feeling good internally with what we are can we manifest ourselves in a positive way with others.
Presence in religions
On the other hand, gratitude is a feeling that is present in almost all religions monotheists, in the Christian, for example, it is a feeling that is especially associated bye. When a faithful meets the solution to a problem that had been afflicting him, immediately, he will approach God through prayer and will thank him for considering him the maker of that solution. Christians approach God by faith obviously and also whenever they feel desperate or in need of his hand. Prayer is always the vehicle chosen for the request and also to express gratitude to God.
In Islam and Judaism the development of this action is also encouraged through prayer.
Thanksgiving holiday
The American people, for example, place an inestimable value on the subject of gratitude and so much so that they have a day, a day, to claim it, the Thanksgiving, in which they join their family and friends to express their gratitude to God. This festival had its origin among the first Protestant English colonizers who arrived in I usually North American because in this way they decided to thank him for the hospitality and help they received from the native inhabitants.
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