Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in Sep. 2014
Humans observe the world that surrounds us and we describe reality through words. In that case, greatness is a way of defining a person who is admirable in his actions and gestures. A person who has enormous greatness is honest, sincere, has human values, gestures that are an example for others. Extraordinary people are those who have a special gift, an enormous humanity, they are people solidarity that not only think about themselves but apply the life philosophy to leave this world better than they found it.
People with greatness as references
That is, through their Actions and from their words they sow hope, peace and faith to all those who are around. Therefore, people with enormous greatness become a social reference that has enormous transformative value. They are leaders who leave a positive mark on others, even beyond their absence.
On the contrary, delusions of grandeur
From another point of view, it can also happen that a person has delusions of greatness. Is
expression It is used to refer to those people who are very vain and always want to be pretending to others. That is, they are people who give more importance to having than to being and they live more aware of what others will say than of their own criteria. People who have delusions of grandeur have a false image of themselves but in addition, they can also be somewhat artificial at times when assessing matters that are totally superficial.At the human level, it should be pointed out that there is no greater greatness than the practice of well. In other words, doing good is a gesture that ennobles the heart. While a good action humanizes the person who performs it even more, on the contrary, a bad action limits the potential of a human being.
Each person is unique, and that is how you do not have to be more or less than another
From an essential point of view and anthropological, it should be pointed out that every human being is endowed with immense greatness because he is a unique and unrepeatable being endowed with gifts as valuable as intelligence and also, the will. Furthermore, every human being also has the greatness of an infinite capacity for overcoming personal. But every human being is free and has the ability to choose between virtue or realization of actions that are not good.
Greatness must always produce admiration but sometimes, it produces envy in those who are saddened by the good of others.
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