Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in May. 2010
Considered one of the most useful and necessary elements for comfort, the fan is basically a machine whose main objective is the generation of a stream of air permanent which, however, may vary its intensity or direction according to the interest of whoever handles it. Fans can be objects of personal use (for example in a house) as well as parts of larger machines that need your presence. to ensure the ventilation of its internal parts and thus prevent overheating (for example, fans that are inside the computers).
Although it is believed that there are artificial forms of ventilation (that is, created by man) since ancient times, the fan as a technological machine was created only from the Industrial Revolution in the XVIII century. Obviously, the first forms of fans driven by energy currents were very primitive and gigantic in comparison with current fans but this basically has to do with the need that many machines and complex industrial systems to have permanent ventilation that would allow a functioning appropriate of the parties.
However, when one thinks of a fan, the first picture that reaches the head is that of the fan that is used in living spaces such as the house or office. These fans can have different sizes, different shapes and different particular properties. Thus, we find standing fans (those that are generally more than one and a half meters high and can be directed), ceiling fans (those that are placed on the ceiling and ventilate the entire room), wall fans and ceiling fans hand. Without a doubt, the increase in temperature environmental and the presence of increasingly hot summers has made fans (and airs conditioned, a more evolved form of them) in elements completely necessary for comfort and relax daily.
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