Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2009
Season that runs between spring and autumn and is characterized by heat and long days
Summer is one of the four seasons of the year that elapses between the spring and the fall and that is characterized by the heat that predominates in it, that is, the temperatures exceed comfortably 25 degrees, and it also stands out because the days get longer and the nights get longer. short. This will imply that when we normally get up, at eight in the morning, to put on a stocking, it is already fully daylight, while in the fall and even more so in the winter, at that time it is just dawning.
Meanwhile, in regards to the end of the working dayDuring the summer and on a sunny day, at eight o'clock at night it will still be day, while, in the winter, the season that is opposed, at that time it is already totally night.
The most precious station
Due to these characteristics that distinguish it, predominant warmth in the temperatures and this lengthening of the days, summer is the season preferred by most of the people. Now, this does not imply that there are no fans of winter or autumn, far from it, but there are more who choose summer and spring because it makes them want to go out of their houses more, either very early in the morning or late at night because it is daytime and cold.
Vacation time!
Another issue that makes summer very popular is the fact that it is the time of year in which people go on vacation from their jobs and also students do the same as the school and then in family or with friends they organize trips to beach destinations to enjoy the beach and the heat that this season brings as an essential feature.
Formally, it will begin, in the northern hemisphere, on June 21 and end on September 21, while in the southern hemisphere, the same season It will take place between December 21 and March 21, although, generally, it is considered that it takes place in the entire months of December, January and February, in the southern hemisphere, and during June, July and August, in the northern hemisphere, because it is in these where the heat is more acute.
Salient features
The main indications that summer is beginning are: that temperatures start to get higher and higher, for example, accustomed to an average of 20 ° in the previous season, the spring, in the summer the temperatures will settle down between 30 °, even exceeding these marks; the days begin to stretch, dawning very, very early and dusk almost at lunchtime.
While, the solar rays that will present a lower inclination during the summer they are responsible for this rise in temperatures.
Origin of the term
The origin of the term is Latin, it comes from the concept veranum tempus, which far back in time was widely used by the Romans to refer to the time of year, between the end of spring and the beginning effective of the summer, in which the temperatures increased considerably, which generated the flowering and the greening of fields and valleys.
Some others indicators that tell us that summer has come to different parts of the planet are that people go on vacation en masse to those destinations that offer beach and sea. And those who cannot or do not want to congregate around the sea do so mostly around the pools to cool off from the high temperatures.
Dry season
On the other hand, In the American intertropical zones, the term summer is often used to refer to the season of drought, disappeared the connotation more recurrent thermal that is attributed to the term, because it develops at the time in which the low sun predominates, with average temperatures, the frequency of rainfall being really very low.
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