Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2008
The term advantage is used to designate the difference in favor that one person has over anotherIn other words, the advantage can never exist unless it is found in opposition and closely related to a similar situation experienced by another person.
The advantage can be obtained in various orders and areas of life, for example in the field labor the advantage can be achieved after having observed a good performance in some task that was entrusted to me and another colleague who works in my same area and that of course required an immediate resolution and I managed excel in resolution, in this case I gained an advantage over my colleague and also got a promotion, this could also be read as a advantage.
Before I told you that an advantage is something that can be observed in various orders of life and if I have to think in the field in which it is very present at all times is in the environment of sportand it is understood as the margin than a player or team leaves him to his adversary. It is very common that there and in
chance of a football or tennis match, especially in the latter case, let us hear the commentators say that this or that player has an advantage over the serve with respect to his opponent or in the case of football too, when one team prevails in result and in play to another, it is often said that team A took a resounding advantage to the team B.But also, if we move to the world of marketing and strategic management we find that the advantage occupies a preponderant place because it is the good so desired that every company will try to get out of its competence, since as in sport, the advantage is the margin of difference in favor that a company will always try to get out of its most direct competitor.
Meanwhile, to achieve this advantage that marketing calls precisely competitive advantage, it will be necessary that it observes the following characteristics: unique, impossible to imitate, possible to maintain in the weather.
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