Definition of Theater Script
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2009
In general terms, by hyphen, the person is designated text in which are exposed, with all the necessary details, the contents of a play from a TV show or movie, as appropriate.
Namely, the script is the writing in which all those essential indications agree to put into practice an implementation scene determined.
The fundamental ideas of the same are written neatly and in general terms, a script will observe the following parts: introduction, development and outcome. The development, in almost all scripts, whether they correspond to the movie theater, the tv or the theaterIt will be the most extensive part of them, the body itself and in which the parallel ideas are also realized in the range of which others are linked and unleashed.
The theatrical script, which is the one that we will deal with below, not only respects all the general characteristics mentioned above, but also turns out to be a complete guide for all those members of the team in question such as being actors, director, producer, illuminator, set designer, costume designer, musicians, in charge of dark and curtain closing, among others.
Between the elements with which it has a theatrical script the following are counted... the dialogueor, it is the main element, since most of the plays have conversations between two or more characters, which will be manifested in the dialogue. Then this the act, which is each of the parts in which a play is divided. For his part, picture, is the part of the act in which the same decoration appears. Meanwhile, a scenea, will be the part of the act in which the same characters take part.
Another fundamental part of the theatrical script is made up of annotations, which are those indications that indicate issues such as the entrances and exits of the scene of a character, their attitudes, gestures and expressions in general. Also, in the dimensions, you will notice the change of scenery, the place in which the actions take place, the setting and all the details that make the staging of the work.
And the last element are the characters, which are those individuals, generally professional actors, who are in charge of giving life to the events of the play. The characters are classified into main, they are the most important, without these the work would not have no sense, the secondary ones, follow in importance to the first ones and have the function of accompany them. And the environmental ones, also called circumstantial and incidental, which will appear according to the needs of the work in question.
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