Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2015
The cello is one of the most famous stringed musical instruments that integrates the family of the violin. It is placed halfway between the viola and the double bass. It has four strings for its execution and a bow, and has a record serious.
To the respect of the bow, which is the element with which this instrument is played, will be made up of a madra stick on which appear taut bristles that normally come from the manes of horses or imitations made in acrylic. It has three components: the bow, the head, the shaft and the bristles. Its origin dates back to the seventeenth century in Italy, being during the period Baroque when it reaches its peak.
As with the rest of the string instruments that belong to his family (viola, double bass, violin, harp, zither, guitar, clavichord, among others), the cello or cello, produces the sounds from the vibrations of its strings, normally amplified by a box of resonance. The strings appear taut between two distant points of the instrument and are made to sound from the pulsation or by striking the same string.
But to be more precise, the cello is a stringed instrument which implies that the string will vibrate, sound, when struck with a bow. The bow slides over the strings to obtain its typical vibration. Now, they can also be fingertip. This feature singular it is what allows these types of instruments to produce the softest and most nuanced tones at the behest of an orchestra.
It is one of the basic and indispensable instruments of an orchestra, as regards the group of stringed instruments. It is because of this serious register that it expresses that it is used for the most serious interpretations of the pieces, although this does not mean that it is left aside and to intervene also in more melodic passages.
For their features it is the instrument most equated with the human voice.
Another of the hallmarks of the cello is that its interpreter, popularly known as a cellist, will play the instrument sitting in a comfortable chair or stool, placing the cello between the legs and rubbing the bow with the strings.
One of the most remarkable cellos in history is the Servais Stradivarius made by Antonio Stradivari, the most outstanding Italian luthier in matters of manufacturing of these instruments. He created it in 1701. It was used by the Belgian cellist Adrien François Servaisy and went down in history for it.
Photos: iStock - Mermusta / Tokarsky
Cello Themes