Example of derogatory words
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
The derogatory words They are those that refer to people, animals or things, minimizing them or showing contempt.
Depending on the use that is given to them, a different and even lofty intention is applicable, as happens with the intercom, which change according to the context.
More than 100 examples of derogatory words:
1. Actor
2. Actor
3. Actorzuelo
4. Adornucho
5. Antenucha
6. Advertised
7. Surname
8. Apellidillo
9. Bancucho
10. Banquejo
11. Bisicletucha
12. Drunk
13. Drunk
14. Bosinilla
15. Cajerucha
16. Camarucha
17. Cameja
18. Shirt
19. Campusillo
20. Camucha
21. Cantorsuelo
22. Cellularejo
23. Cell phone
24. Chafirete
25. Chafiretejo
26. Chalecucho
27. Chauffeur
28. Chauffeur
29. Little surgeon
30. Clinicucha
31. Collarejo
32. Food
33. Consultant
34. Count
35. Many
36. Divansucho
37. Many employees
38. Nurse
39. Mirror
40. Mirror
41. Mirror
42. Fabricucha
43. Governor
44. Tool
45. Hosputalucho
46. Hotelucho
47. Iglasucha
48. Youngster
49. Jovensuelo
50. Little judge
51. Juesucho
52. Lamiducha
53. Lamineja
54. Laminucha
55. Medicine
56. Liar
57. Liar
58. Doll
59. Roll
60. Panesucho
61. Panucho
62. Piratejo
63. Piraterucho
64. Planetucho
65. Platanucho
66. Plumeja
67. Raiducho
68. Rapasuelo
69. Ratonsuelo
70. Clock
71. Restorancillo
72. Pink
73. Ruetersucho
74. Salecilla
75. Saloncillo
76. Salonsuelo
77. Salucha
78. Santurron
79. Armchair
80. Bonnet
81. Headgear
82. Weave
83. Phone
84. Telephone
85. Telephone box
86. Telesucha
87. Have a lot
88. Tienduja
89. Tigrecillo
90. Tinterillo
91. Tipejo
92. Lockstep
93. Geezer
94. Old man
95. Dressy
96. Vetarro
97. Vinegar
98. Vinucho
99. Zapaducho
100. Zapatejo
101. Zutano