Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2010
The term 'hump' is one that is used to designate the arched and rounded formations that develop in the spine of a person or a animal. In some cases, such as men, the presence of a hump indicates some deformity or complication in the HealthWhile in other cases, such as the camel or the dromedary, the hump is a normal anatomical element that has a specific purpose and purpose.
As demonstrated by the character of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, in the case of humans having a hump always means a certain level of deformity. This is so because the human being must tell with a straight or erect spine, so any inclination or bowing of the spine shows some type of abnormality. The presence of more or less marked humps in humans may be due not only to a characteristic inherited by genetics if not also the wear of the spine over time (which is why humps are common in the elderly) as well as constant bad postures that can make people young show severe spinal deformities.
However, not all humps are negative or deformed. In this sense, some animals such as the camel, the dromedary and some species of oxen, they have humps on their backs that are completely common and even useful. In them these animals maintain a reservoir of liquid that allows them to move forward in spaces in which it is not abundant (such as, for example, desert). In the case of the camel, we find two humps while the dromedary and the oxen that possess them have only one. The humps of these animals are very striking and with a rounded tip, which makes them very particular animals and easy to recognize.
Themes in Hump