Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2008
It is called equilibrium to the state in which a body is found when the forces acting on it compensate and cancel each other out. When a body is in static equilibrium, if it is kept that way, without any type of modification, it will not undergo translational acceleration or rotation, meanwhile, if it moves slightly, three things can happen: that the object returns to its original position (equilibrium stable), the object moves further away from its original position (unstable equilibrium) or remains in its new position (unstable equilibrium). indifferent or neutral).
Meanwhile, although the term is widely used in different areas, such as physics, biology and economyIn all these, it will always refer to something that is maintained in a fair measure despite incidents or contingencies.
In the field of physics and engineering we find three types of equilibria, the thermodynamic which refers to the situation of a physical system in which its external factors and internal processes do not produce changes in temperature or pressure. The
chemical It occurs when a chemical reaction transformation occurs at the same time as its inverse and then there are no changes in the compounds. And finally, the mechanic, is when the sum of the forces on all the parts is canceled.In relation to the thermodynamics For example, within the kinetic energy or energy of motion, the forms of heat transfers, in general, seek the thermal equilibrium either by conduction (contact transfer), convection (wave displacement transfer), or radiation (radiation transfer of waves). Thus, for example, in the case of convection, when we turn on an air conditioner, the displacement of the waves of Heat will tend to balance the temperature of the environment within reach of the appliance, depending on what graduation we have chosen one. Or for example, a coin exposed to the action of solar rays, will undergo modifications in its temperature, also as an action of thermal equilibrium, between source temperature and degrees of exposure heat.
On the other hand, the equilibrium for biology is closely related to the theory of evolution of the species, since it maintains that the specification of a certain being, normally, occurs after a time of stability and absence of changes.
One type of balance popularized in recent years is environmental balance, within the concerns of many civil organizations and organisms of the States for the emergency current environmental. This balance between action of man /environmental impact aims to minimize the consequences of damage to the environment, for which man has been unconcerned for centuries. Industrial activity and the exploitation of natural resources are two areas of economic production that must be subjected to these principles of environmental balance. The concept of sustainable development comes from the hand of this trend of human evolution.
Equilibrium also occupies a prominent place within economics as well, so an economic situation is said to be balanced when supply and demand are equal or the plausible factors of causing changes offset each other by giving a stability. Something that, for example, is not happening in the world economic situation as we all already know.
And finally, for the physical education, the balance or sense of balanceIt is one of the most precious skills to achieve, because mastering this sense is what will allow athletes who are performing some acrobatics, not to collapse on the floor and hit each other.
Even within circus activity, balance plays a fundamental role, and there are "experts" in tests of this type, who are called "tightrope walkers." They usually walk on narrow ropes between different points, for which body control and balance must be extreme.
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