Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2010
The term rapacious is a qualifying adjective that is used mostly in two senses very different, on the one hand, to those individuals who are inclined to criminal actions They are usually called raptors, or failing that, if it is a specific and unique criminal action or behavior, it will be said that it is raptor. His predatory action is his main problem to believe that he had nothing to do with the robbery.
And the other use that is given to the term appears in thezoology, since with him is designated those birds that include falconiform and strigiform orders. Therefore, to all that is own and relative they will be described as predatory. The eagle is a faithful exponent of a bird of prey.
Meanwhile, birds Raptors are those birds that hunt their food through their beak of appearance curved, hard and ending in points and especially its claws, very, very sharp, will be the ones that act as prey in its captures.
Raptors are often distinguished in diurnal raptors and nocturnal raptors
Falconry is the denominationformal who receives the hunting through the birds of prey. The aforementioned is a activity that was developed thousands of years ago, about 4 thousand approximately and was very common during the Middle Ages. Then, it was progressively diminishing, disappearing directly in the seventeenth century. While, Spanish environmentalist Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente , was the modern promoter of the aforementioned activity, in addition to being the world's leading expert on raptors.
Themes in Raptor