Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2009
According to the use that is given to it, the term rank will refer to various issues.
Category or class that applies to a person based on the professional or social situation that he holds
On the one hand, range, refers to the category or class that applies to a person based on the professional or social situation that he holds. For example, in those career professions, such as the military, it is common for there to be different levels and that the attention and respect are aroused according to the level reached. In this case, the military rank is that hierarchical system in which the scale command that is used at the behest of the Armed Forces, Police Forces or any other force or armed or uniformed organization.
The ranks are manifested through visual information contained in the badges, the stripes of the uniforms or by means of pieces of cloth sewn on the chest, sleeves or shoulders worn by the members of these forces. It is usually said that the more stripes the officer has, the higher the rank he holds.
Military hierarchical system
The aforementioned military hierarchical system has a classification in four large groups which in turn present internal divisions in ranks, for example, within the General Officers are the Captain General, the Lieutenant General; Among the Officers, the Lieutenant Colonel, Commander, Ensign; in the NCOs, the Chief Warrant Officer, First Sergeant and Sergeant; and in the troop we can identify the ranks of Corporal Major, Soldier of First and Soldier, among others.
Ranks in companies distinguish between subordinates and authorities
Now, we must indicate that this difference in ranks, hierarchies, is not only exclusive within the military field but is also present in organizations, companies, among others. The ranks allow to establish in these the order of superiority and the subordination of the members of the same. Thus, for example, the owner of the company will be the one who occupies the highest rank, after him the manager and finally the rank-and-file employees in the lower ranks. The latter will be subordinate to the former.
In the Church, the rank distinguishes superior and inferior ecclesiastical positions
A paragraph apart it deserves the ecclesiastical hierarchy within the Christian religion, in which the division into superior and inferior ranks is certainly visible. The most important rank is held by the Pope, head and maximum authority of the Church, then followed by cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests, among others.
Social status
And with regard to the social we must say that rank is used many times as a synonym for social status. So it is likely that we will meet someone talking about low social rank or high social rank when he wants to identify the social class to which an individual belongs.
Level or category of something
On the other hand, range, it can refer to the level or category of something. For example, the room we visit to have the party is very far from the budget range we have..
Uses in statistics, algebra and pharmacology
Also, on the statistics, the term range is very common because it indicates the amplitude of the variation of a phenomenon between its lower limit and a considerably higher one, that is, the statistical range is the interval that contains said data and that is calculated from subtracting the minimum value from the maximum value considered.
In another field like algebra, the rank of a matrix will be the number of columns that are independent from the linear point of view.
And finally we find another range that is popularly known as therapeutic range and that will indicate the minimum effective level and the maximum allowable level with respect to the pharmacological doses that are administered to a patient during a treatment.
There are drugs with a very wide therapeutic range, that is, they can increase the dose several times from the minimum effect before reaching the harmful effect and others that will not allow variations.
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