Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Feb. 2011
The concept of collection means in general terms the act of putting something together, collecting elements or objects for a specific purpose. In narrower terms, the word collection is used in most cases to refer to the act of putting together monetary elements whether in the form of bills, coins or others in order to put them to availability of the current ruler, who must administer them on behalf of the people. The prerogatives that this or those rulers have with respect to what has been collected varies from region to region. as well as from historical period to historical period, must today be something much more controlled than in other epochs.
Collection can be, on the one hand, the act of collecting or collecting, for example, taxes or fees that are placed on certain products, activities or elements. At the same time, the collection is the amount collected from that collection act.
The concept of collection is usually accompanied by the fiscal adjective, which gives us the idea that it is a type of collection that is carried out with the objective that a
government determined of a region put together the resources necessary to provide that region with the benefits or investments necessary. The collection is organized in each region in a particular way, but usually there are different hierarchies or figures tax that may have higher or lower amounts to pay than others depending on the activity they carry out, the profits they obtain, etc.The problem with tax collection is that it is always a method of power for the governments of the day since it means having a certain amount of silver for discretionary use and although there are methods to control the administration of the same, the corruption regarding this type of money is very common. The idea of ​​collection can also be applied to spaces such as a business, a company, or even private spaces such as the family or a private event between friends.
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