Definition of virtual reality
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2009
Through the concept of Virtual reality refers to that computer system or interface that is responsible for generating synthetic environments that occur in real time, that is, the what virtual reality proposes is the representation of certain things, situations, through electronic means, such as the computer, which will give rise to a perceptual reality without objective support and that will only find its reason for being and entity within the computer that has invented or proposed itThis is why many people say that it is a pseudo alternate reality.
Although virtual reality has been developed and approached from different areas such as mathematics, physics and space engineering, it has been the computing the area of knowledge that was most occupied and concerned in generation and progress.
Among the most significant that virtual reality has proposed and generated with all its imprint are several issues, among them, the new way of space-time relationship that has undoubtedly managed to overcome space-time barriers and created previously unthinkable alternatives of space and time, the generation of Interaction environments in which it is not necessary to be sharing a space and a time to interact and promoting new ones. contexts of
exchange and of communication between human beings and the configuration of an environment in which, both information and communication, are accessible from perspectives and possibilities decidedly unknown and a priori impossible to think.In virtual reality, the border that does exist in the perennial world of reality and unreality, the infinite range of possibilities that it has opened before our eyes facilitated the establishment of a status of reality that is sustained in three aspects… On the one hand virtual reality is a reality that can basically be shared and experienced with other people, is basically focused and oriented on the interaction interpersonal, even if it does not occur in the same space time. On the other hand, virtual reality feeds and is influenced by what happens in the physical, real world. And finally, virtual reality is said to be closely linked to the production artistic, because it is a creative space with aesthetic motivations.
So, the importance and highlights that virtual reality offers us today and in these times globalized is that thanks to it we can interact with different people at the same time, even not being in the same space and time, being Internet the best example of this that I tell you
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