Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
Recreation is understood to be all those activities and situations in which fun is underway, as well as relaxation and entertainment through it. The recreational possibilities that exist today are almost infinite, especially since each person can discover and develop interests in different forms of recreation and entertainment.
That is, not all individuals are the same or have the same experiences or interests and then each one will develop an inclination for this or that recreational activity; It may be clear that there are coincidences, although it can also happen that what for someone is a recreation for another may not be and vice versa.
Various recreation options
Now, it is worth noting anyway that there are some activities installed as recreational and that many people are inclined to deploy them, among the most popular are: going to the movie theater, to the theater, participate in an excursion that involves spending a day outdoors and doing sports activities or activities related to getting closer to nature, practicing some
sport as is the case with football, tennis, hockey, swimming, among others.Recreation normally occurs through the generation of spaces in which individuals can freely participate according to their interests and preferences. The basic notion of a recreational situation is to allow each one to find what gives them the most pleasure, thus being able to feel comfortable and then making the best of the experience. Recreation differs from other relaxation situations such as sleeping or resting since it always involves a participation more or less active of the person in the activities to be developed.
Recreation versus stress
It has been scientifically proven that those people who are immersed in their work routines and who do not dedicate spaces to recreational experiences, usually suffer higher levels of stress, anguish and / or anxiety. Therefore, recreation serves the human being not only to activate the body, but also to maintain a healthy Balance To the mind. On the contrary, leading a sedentary life oriented solely to fulfilling obligations will only unbalance the person who suffers from it and increase their stress picture.
Without going any further, psychologists or those professionals who treat patients who present problems of stress, anguish and anxiety usually recommend that accompanying therapy perform activities that involve recreation in order to relax their minds of the problems or anguish that they afflict them.
It is proven that whoever manages to channel her daily regrets somewhere will feel a lot happier and more satisfied with his life and even more will be able to face and overcome stress with another position.
Recreation as an organized activity can take place both in open and closed spaces. Clear examples of the first case would be all kinds of activities to be carried out in parks, squares or in nature. For the second case, those recreational activities related to art, music, the communication, theater, cinema and the use of state-of-the-art technologies. The organization of recreational spaces for a certain community is an important task that concerns governments since through it individuals can establish much more solid ties of contact and belonging, as well as can lower social levels of stress, violence and individualism.
Other uses of the term
But the one indicated is not the only use that is given to the word in our language, since it is also very common for it to be used to refer to the action of recreating and its result. Meanwhile, recreating implies creating or imitating a model, a fact, among others.
Then recreation supposes that a certain event that, for example, has reached a notable repercussion in history, it is represented again, generally by actors, who bring it closer to the public. It is worth mentioning that this representation must be as faithful as possible to convey the reality and scope of that fact.