Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2014
The concept of rating has a job extended at the request of the means of communication audiovisual since the rating is a figure that indicates the number of people, of viewers who have a television program or a radio broadcast. So, the more people tune in to a radio station or the more people watch a TV show, the higher the rating each one will have and the opposite is the opposite.
By case is that the rating is one of the most observed and considered issues within television and radio, by those who produce, direct and act in the various shipments and also by channel managers, since two key issues will depend on the rating figure for the industry of the audiovisual media, on the one hand, the number of advertisers, since the higher the rating, the greater the number of advertising there will be for that program, that is something mathematical by the way, and on the other hand, the continuity or not of a product on the screen is a consequence of the high or low audience, respectively.
The rating can be measured using various techniques, among the most used by companies that are dedicated to this method are: telephone surveys, call and ask users of telephone what they are watching or listening to at that moment on radio or television, and on the other hand there are special devices that are placed in homes and that measure in this sense.
It is worth noting that the rating is expressed in points, while each point is normally equivalent to 100 thousand people listening or watching, per case, 10 rating points equals one million viewers or listeners.
A particularity that has begun to be appreciated in various parts of the world is that the concern and attention due to the rating it has already transcended borders, and it is no longer only of interest to those who make radio and television and make a living from it, but also to the public itself, who is in charge of knowing and finding out about the rating that their favorite programs have and those that do not They are.
They even comment on the subject and it has become a recurring theme of chat among ordinary people, it is no longer just part of the connoisseurs.
Many consider that this special attention that the public shows towards the rating has to do with the importance that those who work on TV and radio attribute to it and that they end up transmitting to their viewers or listeners.
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