Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2015
Reaffirm to ratify or revalidate a saying or clarify an issue
The concept of reaffirming is used in our language to express that something that was affirmed in a timely manner reaffirms itself, that is, it is reaffirmed, either because it was not clear at the time or to give more force to what was said, reaffirming it. Generally, the reaffirmation of the said or comments has the mission of ratifying or revalidating them before a certain circumstance and before a public that demand.
Normally, when a person affirms something about a question, it is enough and it is accepted because the affirmation of something almost always implies the existence of certainty and of safety about what is affirmed, unless there is some kind of objection or contradiction expressed by another person or by a fact, in relation to what is affirmed, and that then there can be sued by of the person who affirmed something that has to be reaffirmed to clear doubts or to clarify a position, for example.
A way to be credible
Consider a public official who affirms at the behest of a interview radio stations that have been delivered pursuant to subsidies to a school that he demanded them. Following that fact, a person appears who contradicts the official, saying that he has done us, then, as Consequently, in that case the credibility of the state is at stake and the official must happen that the official, in a conference of press, reaffirm, with evidence, to be more specific, the veracity of his sayings.
Gain in validity
Also when a public official assures that he has not resigned from his position but rumors continue to take it for granted, ideal it is to reaffirm the refusal in order to renew the validity of what has been said.
Synonyms and counter action
We must also emphasize that there are many ways in our language of saying reaffirm, such as assuring, confirming, asserting and ratifying, and that they are also widely used.
Now, when, on the contrary, the person changes his position regarding something that he had affirmed or he decides to do something other than the one already affirmed, then, instead of reaffirming he will rectify or refute his affirmation.
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