Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2012
The word lightning admits several uses in common language ...
At the behest of the meteorology, is called ray a that strong and natural electrostatic discharge that occurs when an electrical storm occurs, either between the clouds or between a cloud and the ground. Those responsible for the rays are normally the positive particles of the earth and the particles negative clouds with vertical development, which at times attract and unleash the famous lightning.
It should be noted that the aforementioned electrical discharge does not arrive alone but rather accompanied by a light, that is, the Lightning, triggered by the passage of the electric current that will ionize the molecules of air Y for the thunder; meanwhile, the sound of thunder is the result of the shock wave. When the electricity it passes through the atmosphere, heats it up and the air will expand very quickly, causing the typical sound of lightning, which is the aforementioned thunder.
On the other hand, the word lightning can designate the
line of light coming from a luminous body, how to be Sun. The lines that emanate from it are known as solar rays.Also, thunderbolt, they will be each of the lines, normally straight, that have their starting point at that point where a form of Energy and also indicate the direction in which that energy will be disseminated.
Also, when an individual stands out for his skillit is often called lightning. Maria is a thunderbolt when it comes to understanding mathematics. Y that or that which stands out for its speed and efficiency it is considered as lightning. You're lightning, you came and went in ten minutes.
Meanwhile, at the behest of science, there are different rays with which we can find ourselves: X-rays (These are extremely penetrating electromagnetic waves capable of passing through certain opaque bodies and generating photographic impressions; They are mostly used at the behest of medicine as instruments of diagnosis, treatment and investigation), gamma rays (They are also very deep electromagnetic waves that are generated in nuclear transitions), UVA rays (ultraviolet rays, is a type of electromagnetic radiation whose range begins from short wavelengths, while it can be produced by solar rays) and cosmics rays (These are subatomic particles that come from outer space and have phenomenal energy thanks to the enormous velocity which is very similar to light).
Lightning Themes