Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2015
Delete what is left over or separate something from a whole that integrates by means of a cutting element
The concept of cutting has several uses in our language, as it is closely linked to another term, cutting. Cutting may imply eliminating what is left over or separating something from a whole in which it is inserted and doing it through of a cutting element, such is the case of a scissors, which is the most used utensil to cut or trim something.
It should be noted that it can also be trimmed through a tool sharp as is the cutter, although this is much more used in professional trimmings than in the domestic sphere. And if it is done via devices such as cell phones or computers, there is a special tool called cropping and that is used precisely on images, to resize them or to remove what is considered unnecessary.
Trim with the mission to beautify
Meanwhile, among the most general uses of the concept to cut, stands out the one that expresses that it is the cutting of what is left over or that stands out in something. For example, let's think about our hair, when we appreciate that the ends are already chamfered, protruding, and with an ugly aesthetic appearance, without a doubt it is because they need a cut in the
Barber Shop. By trimming them, the hairdresser will remove the ugly hair ends and the ends will be more flourishing and aligned.Trim to shape
Also cutting can be cutting something giving it a certain shape. And we can also transfer the action to the hair. We women like to be fashionable, follow the trends that stylists propose in terms of haircuts. Meanwhile, almost all cuts, except the one that is done in a linear way, require a cut creating shapes in the hair. The clipping is capable of creating a movement very special and unique in the hair in which it is applied.
To shorten something
On the other hand, the action of cutting can have the mission of shortening something, of reducing it. A skirt that we consider is too long and complicates us when it comes to to walk, we can trim it and thus minimize its length.
Cut expenses
This sense is also used at the request of the economic context of the economy from a state or a household to indicate the decrease in expenses that are required to be made as a result of the excess of expenses that exist.
Pictorial technique
At the behest of the painting, the word trim consists of a technique that allows to indicate the profiles in a figure.
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