Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2010
The term reinsertion is used when you want to account for the situation of integrating back into society or community that individual who for a certain reason was living outside of it.
Re-incorporating an individual into society or a workplace
Most of the time that reason is due to a criminal act, that is, an individual who killed or robbed and was sentenced to prison for such conduct, once he serves his sentence, of one, two, or twenty years, he will have the right that awards you the law to go free and therefore, the possibility of reintegrating into society, of living with other individuals respecting their rights as the main mission and also having the obligations.
This return to society will imply, as we have already said, rights and obligations, living together again with peers within the framework of freedom and the possibility of For example, go back to work, to study, that is, he can carry out any activity that he wants, but of course, always respecting and submitting to the normative.
How to reinsert a prisoner? Education as a pillar
Most countries have a reintegration plan or reintegration program for this type of case, it will make sure that whoever wants it can reintegrate as a new individual in society, of course, such a question will involve the positive will of the individual and also a series of alternatives that The state itself will provide for the successful completion of the aforementioned reintegration, that is, it must provide both outside and inside jail the guidelines for the correct coexistence in community, tools, whether professional, intellectual or trades so that once you is out of jail can go out to fight like any other individual a job vacant.
In order to contribute to the reintegration process, it is usual for prisons to promote study or training among prisoners. learning of some activity, which then, once outside, will serve them to earn a living.
There are many cases of prisoners who are received in the prison of lawyers, among other professions, or complete the basic education that they were unable to do so in a timely manner.
Keeping them busy learning is a good way to steer them away from negative and crime-related thoughts.
Religion also helps prisoners in many cases to modify their behaviors, to develop conscience for the other and feelings of love, because we must say that many prisoners tend to come from very marginal social sectors in which they do not received neither love nor containment from anyone, and of course, this took them away from the right path and brought them closer to the delinquency.
However, it is key, in addition to the guidelines and support offered by the state, its positive change, that is, to put aside absolutely those old criminal behaviors of the past and that led him to end up in jail and purge a sentence.
Without the will to change and do things well, as society expects from each individual, reintegration will be impossible.
Is reintegration possible?
Regarding the reintegration of people who were convicted, there are two very opposed positions.
There are those who maintain that the prison allows the reeducation of the prisoner and the change of consciousness of him, predisposing him towards a change of positive attitude so that once the sentence is completed, it reintegrates itself into society as it should, doing good and fulfilling laws.
While on the other hand, there are those who consider that jail, especially in those systems deficit, corrupt and super-populated prisons, does not re-educate anyone but on the contrary they are a soup of culture to continue promoting the delinquent spirit of the prisoners.
Because they are still immersed in a space that, although content, allows them to remain in contact with the violence, drugs and other types of illicit.
Although the term is mostly associated with the aforementioned prison situation as a background, reintegration may refer to other reasons, labor, for example; the labor market for different situations tends to exclude some people; sex, age, diseases, among other issues, then, in the countries, it is also common for labor reintegration programs to be created whose mission will be to return to the market to those people who were left out of it, either because they are older, because they are considered too young and still inexperienced or because they suffer from some impossibility physical.
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