Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2010
The reptile is a vertebrate animal that lacks legs, or has them, but they are very, very short, so when walking, its belly will brush the ground through which it moves.. So, this is its main feature: crawl
Vertebrate animal whose salient characteristic is that it does not have legs or they are very short, which is why it moves crawling on the ground
Reptiles are classified as oviparous, because the female lays eggs, and thus then the embryo develops outside the mother's body, while the body temperature they present is variable.
Thanks to the fact that their skins are covered by keratin flakes, a protein substance that is characterized by being rich in sulfur, allows reptiles to live in very dry climates such as deserts.
In addition, they have a pulmonary respiratory system and communication with its environment can occur in different ways: emitting sounds, visually or through of pheromones (chemical substances that are secreted in order to provoke a behavior in the other).
With regard to their skins, they tend to undergo periodic changes and also their coloration can suffer variations.
The suborder of the snakes have poisonous glands under and behind their eyes.
TO exception of turtles, all reptiles have teeth and a super developed sense of smell in comparison with other animals.
In the case of snakes, their sense of hearing is highly evolved and they develop ideally in hot climates.
Meanwhile, reptiles correspond to the evolutionary or evolved branch of the amniotes; its appearance in scene It was produced in the Carboniferous period from the tetrapods.
Main suborders
The species has suborders such as the lizards or hammers, which actually make up a broader order, by including the lizards, iguanas and chameleons, among other variants. According to some surveys, it is estimated that there are currently approximately five thousand species of lizards.
On your side, snakes or snakes They are another of the suborders of reptiles, which are characterized by the absence of limbs and by extremely elongated bodies; there are snakes that present poisonous bites for which many feel a great aversion for them when they are crossed.
And the other suborder is made up of turtles or chelonians, which are distinguished by the shell that serves as the protection of their internal organs. Turtles do not have teeth, but their jaw appears covered by a horny beak similar to that of birds.
Origins: dinosaurs, the most emblematic representatives of this species
Their origin dates back to the so-called Mesozoic era, they were even a predominant species in it. This geological era is also known as secondary and includes the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods.
During it, the reptiles, evolved and even surpassed the amphibians that are considered as their predecessors.
With respect to evolution that they demonstrated we can cite the following characteristics: a membrane that covers the body, and some organs, much stronger and more solid, a second bony palate that allows them to feed and breathe at the same time, they become oviparous.
The most popular reptiles of this historical period are undoubtedly dinosaurs, the first species were carnivorous and bipedal, that is, they had two feet; later, they became quadruped and herbivores. There were also some reptiles that at that time knew how to fly and many others were aquatic.
Beyond the variable physical characteristics that they had, they were the great masters of our planet for about 150 million years when man was not even in the plans.
His disappearance from the face of the earth remains a mystery to science that has tried several hypothesis but not yet definitive: the evolution of the shell of their eggs became hard and prevented the young from being born; others, on the contrary, suppose that the shell became thin and this left the young unprotected; the incompatibility with the iridium material that impacted the earth by means of meteorites; some climate change determinant.
In addition to their peculiarities and the enigma that led to their extinction, these animals are hyper in force today as a result of the super Hollywood productions that have used them as protagonists exclusive.
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