Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2011
Revoke implies the fact of annul any concession that has been granted, any mandate that has been delivered or a resolution that has been issued in a timely manner. Finally the judge decided to revoke his Liberty conditional; must return to prison.
So, from the above, it is that the revocation is a term that has a prominent presence in the scope of right. It should be noted that it is closely related to the concept of revocation, which supposes the annulment, amendment or directly the substitution of any order or judgment.
Generally, such a decision is resolved by a authority current and different from the one that issued the previous ruling or mandate. The revocation of the sentence produced the general discontent of the victim's next of kin.
Meanwhile, at methodology of the revocation is considered ex nunc, which is the same to say, that it is effective from the moment in which the revocation in question is decided.
In the case of a legal act The revocation may materialize through a
law, or failing that, by the will of both parties, who decide by mutual agreement to revoke the act; In bilateral contracts, both parties are empowered to revoke.On the other hand, in the political field of various nations the revocation is considered a political procedure that empowers the people to decide the end of a public office before the formal expiration period or term that was awarded to him when he was elected.
The recall plebiscite It is the name given to the political procedure from which citizens revoke the mandate of a public official elected by vote; corruption, loss of legitimacy and violation of rights are some of the most frequent causes that can lead to the revocation of a position.
And also the term revoke is used in the language colloquial to account for the cleaning that was carried out on the walls of a building or a home, whether private or commercial, that is, it can usually involve cleaning up before repainting the property in question.
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