Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2011
A rarity is that thing, person or issue that has the quality of rare, an artistic work, someone's hobby, an object, for example, among other issues. " My cousin collects musical oddities of the Beatles, this implies that he collects all those things inherent to this English rock group so popular but not widely known or widely marketed scale.”
That which has the quality of rare because it is different or strange to the rest
While, weird, is the qualifying adjective that we usually use when we want to characterize someone or something particular, different, different, strange.
That is, when something does not follow a normal or the parameters that define something as normal, we will be in a position to talk about something strange.
For example, our society sees it as rare for a man to wear skirts in his outfit and a woman to wear a tie.
The weird never follows a scheme or a model, surprises, amazes, for better or for worse, his viewer.
The unknown can be scary and then in order to this we may decide to move away and the next step is to discriminate against it.
Many times the conception of the rare is associated with the subjectivity of each one.
Valuable and pejorative consideration
There is also the other side of the coin, that the rare can be something valuable, such is the case of precious stones.
On the other hand, there are natural issues that can also be conceived as rare, because they clearly escape from normality, such as that it is cold in the desertThat it is hot at the pole, that it snows in a hot area or that twins are born on the same day in the same clinic and at the same time.
Meanwhile, rarity can be of an individual order, that is, an individual is presented as the only different one within a group. or context, or failing that, we can speak of social oddity, when the odd behavior is assumed by a group of people.
It should be noted that there is a contradiction between assessment which tends to have the weird, while in some issues or situations something weird can be attractive and be due to so coveted by a significant number of people, this may be the case of a unique piece within a style architectural; On the other hand, it may happen that, instead, the rare thing is taken as something from which it is necessary to move away, avoid it.
Unfortunately, in history, the pejorative, negative sense of the concept of rare has caused many inconveniences to those who were opportunely identified as rare, for example, in the past, those who expressed a different sexuality were considered rare in the most negative sense of the term and therefore were discriminated; something similar happened with those who liked to dress with other patterns totally different from those imposed by the fashion of the moment, or with those who They thought about questions that at the time in which they were expressed were taken as strange and for example they did not accept them..., among the examples that we can to mention.
Today, fortunately, many of these sexual, fashion and even thought and ideological issues have been assumed and accepted, and this has obviously had to do directly with the evolution of the times and of thought human, from a very closed a few centuries ago to a much more open today, especially in Western culture.
Let's think that today in many countries of the world it is accepted and regulated for homosexual couples to marry legally and can be parents adopting children or having them through some fertilization treatment assisted.
Of course there are still some traces of no acceptance of these issues, and then there are those who continue to live and see it as a rarity, but there are fewer and fewer ...
In other words, it has not been possible to completely eradicate this negative conception of what is different, and so today many people continue to suffer from discrimination for example, not combing your hair as the fashion indicates or dressing as the trend suggests that you have to do it, but as we said, fortunately there are fewer and fewer.
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