Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2009
According to the use that is given to it, the word ridiculous refers to various issues.
In one of his first references, through the term ridiculous one can express the rarity or extravagance that as such and exaggerated produces laughter. For example, Laura wore a dress so uneven in the shape of her and with such a garish fuchsia color that she could not avoid comments from the party who agreed that it was an extremely ridiculous.
Also, when you want to talk about the insufficiency or shortage Of something the term ridiculous is often used. For example, the food rations that were served in the dining room for dinner were so meager that they have already reached the point of ridiculousness.
On the other hand, to something, a situation, a fact, characterized by its lack of logic and for the absurd, the expression what such a question respect such a person is something extremely ridiculous of think or believe.
Likewise, another expression linked to the term and of very
recurrent in the language current is make a fool of yourself, which is a humiliating situation that affects a person and that will cause mockery or laughter among the people who contemplates it. For example, Juan drank so much during the party that he ended up making a fool of himself when he pulled down his pants in the middle of it.And finally, a long time ago, the word was used to designate that handbag, which, pending on some cords, the ladies used to carry the handkerchief or other items.
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