Tilde Roburica example
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
The tilde roburica, is an exception to the general rules of accentuation; is applied to words with an intermediate hiatus that have an open vowel "a, e, o", And that they are followed by closed vowels"i, u", As long as they have greater intensity and are also applied to the vowels"i, u"When they are louder than vowels"a, e, o”.
This accentuation is also called tilde solvent or accent solvent.
85 examples of words with tilde roburica:
1. You act = You act
2. I would go = I would go
3. I would learn = I would learn
4. Artillery = Artillery-a
5. Coffin = Coffin
6. Howl = A-úlla
7. Trunk = ba-úl
8. I would drink = I would drink
9. Owl = ow-ho
10. Owls = ow-hos
11. Caía = Caí-a
12. Caia = caia
13. We fell = We fell
14. Fall = Fall
15. Cain = Ca-in
16. Butcher = Butcher-a
17. Carpentry = Carpentry-a
18. Locksmith = Locksmith-a
19. Cohiben = co-hiben
20. I trust = I trust
21. I knew I met
22. Crie = Crí-e
23. Crío = Crío
24. Disliked = disliked
25. I had = I had-to
26. Fry = Fry
27. Fries = Frí-e
28. Very cold = Very cold
29. Cold = cold-o
30. Ganaría = Ganarí-a
31. Garúa = Garú-a
32. Crowd = Crowd-o
33. Crane = Garú-a
34. Guide = Guide
35. Lute = Lute
36. Read = read
37. Library = library-a
38. You would call = I would call you
39. Corn = corn
40. Maria = Marí-a
41. Matías = matí-as
42. Mohíno = mohno
43. Nóumeno = nó-umeno
44. Oía = o-ía
45. Ear = o-id
46. Hear = o-ír
47. Country = Country
48. I would lose = I would lose
49. Planchaduría = planchadurí-a
50. Púa = pú-a
51. Ro-íz = root-íz
52. Raúl = Raú-l
53. Raúl = ra-úl
54. Shunned = shunned
55. Reí = Re-í
56. Laugh = Laugh
57. We laughed = We laughed
58. We laughed = We laughed
59. We laugh = We laugh
60. Laugh = laugh
61. I would laugh = I would laugh
62. Gather = re-join
63. Reuniría = Reunirí-a
64. Laugh = laugh-e
65. River = River
66. Dew = Dew
67. Gnawed = Ro-ído
68. Saúl = Sa-ul
69. I would feel = I would feel
70. Drought = Drought-a
71. Smile = Smile-e
72. Sufría = Sufrí-a
73. It would take = It would take
74. Late = Late-o
75. Had = Had
76. We had = We had masters
77. They had = They had
78. You had = you had
79. Aunt = Tí-a
80. Uncle = You-o
81. Varies = Varies-a
82. Viviría = Vivirí-a
83. Zahúrda = Za-húrda
84. Shoe store = Shoemaker-a
85. Zarparía = Zarparí-a